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forum.amigaspirit.hu / Classic hardver / Gotek (FLASHFLOPPY FW) floppy emulátor
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Yellow Dog

# Elküldve: 2017. Júl. 21. 14:46

Az imént találkoztam a facebook-on a fent nevezett új firmware-el, szintén Gotek drive-hoz:

"FLASHFLOPPY: First alpha release of new FREE and OPEN Gotek firmware! I am pleased to announce a new firmware for the Gotek which will read and write ADF and HFE images. It is compatible with HxC config files and AUTOBOOT selector. I am looking for willing victi^Hvolunteers to give it a try!"


FlashFloppy source

FlashFloppy File Selector

forum.amigaspirit.hu / Classic hardver / Gotek (FLASHFLOPPY FW) floppy emulátor

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